Sivananda World News: The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashrams
Sivananda Ashram Yoga Camp, Sivananda Headquarters, Val Morin, Quebec, Canada
Om Namah Sivaya. The Yoga Camp Ashram will remain closed until further notice. Continue your practice from the comfort of your own home with our online classes/courses to assist in keeping you connected, inspired, and energized. Let us take this time to reconnect with ourselves through the practice.
In Quebec Canada, the cold weather continued into early February. We were blessed with pristine deep snow. The Covid lockdown was prolonged for at least two more weeks. Our community interactions are all online. We have online asana classes in the evenings at 4pm and 6pm. We concluded the online asana challenge taking place from 6am to 8am.
We had an online retreat on hatha yoga and workshops on yoga philosophy. The online Satsangs on Thursdays and Saturdays gradually gained traction within our online community.
By mid February we enjoyed slightly warmer weather. Temperatures were in negative celsius still, but only in single digits. We experienced some fresh snowfall. The Provincial Government continued with the Covid related shutdown, and this might continue still after spring break (March 8th) after which we are hoping the conditions will be relaxed, God willing. The staff was busy with some Karma Yoga. Major renovation work in the stone house was completed with new windows to arrive soon. The Krishna Kutir was painted, deep cleaned and readied for occupation also. Online programs, workshops and retreats have seen fair attendance. 107 for classes and workshops, Satsang attendance was 22. Swami Shivabhaktananda’s pranayama challenge saw a steady attendance of 10 to 12 guests and a few staff also participating. May the grace of God and the guidance of the teachers be with us in extending our service to the aspirants, students and all others who visit the Ashram website. Om.
Sivananda Dhanwanthari Ashram, Neyyar Dam, Kerala, India
Namah Sivaya to all. We are happy to announce that we are accepting guests to the Ashram from 15th October, 2020. Pre-booking via is necessary. Terms & conditions apply. Visit We look forward to welcoming you back and practicing together. We are continuing classes, courses & programs online. Please visit
A small number of new guests arrived to the Ashram in early February, enabling the 2 pm lecture/talks with Rohini to continue. Being the last week of TTC, a beautiful Lalitha Sahasranama Puja was conducted with kumkuma offered at many lamps by the students and staff along with joyful chanting and gratitude for a successful course. The students enjoyed their last classes, advanced pranayama and particularly the Gita Arathy and chanting that followed the last Gita class. They worked hard in preparation for the exam at and all passed. The graduation took place at 5 am allowing for many to leave before nightfall. This included Nataraj and Vijay who left for the Trustee-Directors meeting at Madurai. Kalyani travelled to Madurai Ashram with Swami Gayatri. Suresh left much later after the graduation of the online TTC and brought two of our CAs with him for the meeting. Some students remained and enjoyed Satsang and talent show with Padmavati and Rohini. Rohini gave an introduction to the methodology of meditation using the astanga of the Yoga Sutra’s in a two-day online program. An ‘old’ Yoga Vacationer, Ranga, returned with his wife and child to join the staff. We were sad to say goodbye to most of the course assistants and workstudies who contributed sincerely to the running of the Ashram in the last month or two.
By mid February TTC, AWC and the Yoga & Creative Arts retreat all had a good start, beginning with a well-conducted Ganapathy Homa and good chanting to invoke Ganesha’s blessings for the coming weeks. Rohini had a couple of students join in the 2 pm session of the Creative Art 2 pm session through zoom, in addition to her onsite students trying their hands at meditative drawing. The TTC students settled into their busy schedule. Several were found in the kitchen one Friday morning helping Suresh and other Ashram staff to make chapati and paneer butter masala korma as a treat to make up for not being able to go out. The Sunday and Wednesday morning silent walks took the students and guests out, but only to the lakeside. The sunrise over the mountains beyond the waters of the dam give a peacefully inspiring change to the weekly routine. The online programs included exercises in meditation from Nataraj over three days and two days one weekend, exploring with Kalyani the will power needed for success in life. May Master and Swamiji bless all with a pure will to continue steadily in Sadhana. May all have health and peace of mind. Om.
Sivananda Ashram, Netala, Uttarkashi, Himalayas, North India
Om Namo Narayanaya from Uttar Kashi. We are happy to announce that Sivananda Kutir will reopen in April starting with the TTC on 4th April. Our Ashram will following the MHA guidelines closely to ensure the safety and comfort of all. The continued practice of social distancing and limited class sizes are to meet these requirements. These guidelines will be posted in all our India Centres and Ashrams. Please familiarize yourself with these safety precautions: MOH Guidelines for Yoga Institutions. We look forward to having you at the Ashram.
Please note we also continue to offer classes, courses & programs online. Details regarding this can be found at Please like our Facebook page to stay notified about live open classes, Satsangs & other programs. Our thoughts are with you all and we pray that you keep well and positive during these challenging times. Om.
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Meenakshi Ashram, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Om Namo Narayanaya. Namaste from Madurai. Due to the unpredictability of the on-going COVID-19 situation nationally and locally we have had to change our opening dates. We request that you contact your local India Centres and Ashrams directly for their latest update. Join us through online classes, courses and programs online. Sending Prem and Om to all from our family of guests and staffs. Our thoughts are with you all and we pray that you keep well and positive during these challenging times. Namaste. Om.
Meanwhile in February, the Meenakshi Ashram set to the preparations, gearing up for the Directors Meeting to welcome people from all our Indian Ashrams and Centres and also our Trustees. The Yoga Vacation and ATTC, continued smoothly with students savouring every moment of their program. We celebrated Swami Gayathriyananda ji’s birthday with a Ganapathi Homa at our Kali temple which also marked the commencement of the meeting seeking blessings from the remover of obstacles. Also we organized the Weekly General Medical Camp on a large scale, providing all those gathered an insight of medical services our Ashram offers, creating better and healthy living standards among the neighbouring villagers.
Mid February was one of goodbyes and promises of staying in touch, meeting again and coming back to the Ashram one day soon. At the same time our staffs cleaned the Ashram to welcome the next batch of TTC students. We were also engaged in weeding and gardening projects, lifting the energy levels high among our staffs. Soon after, students started arriving for the TTC program and initiated into our Masters teachings. They received their initiation with eagerness and full enthusiasm. Kapoorji and Nirmalaji came from Delhi and Chennai respectively to be part of the teaching faculty. The group promised to be exceptional students. We are grateful to Master and Swamiji for the opportunity to serve. Sending Prem and Om to all from our Madurai Ashram family. Om.
Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch Colony, Woodburne, NY, USA
Om Namah Sivaya from the Ranch. The Sivananda Yoga Ranch is currently closed to the public. We have set up a residential program for those who are able to stay more longer term –
Since the start of the pandemic, we have put all programs online and we are grateful for all your support and connection in these times! It has and continues to be an innovative time where we can see how easily accessible it is to connect & share the teachings with people everywhere in the world!
As February dawned we finished the TTCOL in collaboration with the Yoga Farm. We were grateful for the opportunity to have taught a part of the TTC, to pass on the teachings and to see the growth of the students over their 4 week course. Also during February we introduced the Philosophy of Yoga Monthly Subscription. Morning Sun Salutations and Pranayama started on the 1st Feb and continued on weekdays throughout the month. After the asana sessions we offered the daily Satsang to the students to join us for meditation, chanting and the Srimad Bhagavatam. Mid-Day Meditations also continued on weekdays. We re-started the Bhagavad Gita Study, taught by Neeti from the NYC Centre. Swami Rajeshwarananda gave a wonderful workshop on Vedanta for Daily Life. The students seemed very happy. In the Ashram, we welcomed a new Karma Yogi named Lacy. She will be with us for one month. Group karma yoga activities were more active especially with the amount of snow we were blessed with! Many days of shoveling made us all much stronger physically, mentally and spiritually!
As February progressed, we continued to receive many blessings of snow and ice! We welcomed Corey back from his trip back home. We were happy to have him back with us. We continued with the Ananda construction project. Online we continued with our monthly subscription. We had an insightful discourse taught by Edwin Bryant on the Nyaya Sutras. Our pre-natal teacher Chandana led a how to teach pre-natal class for some fellow teachers, that was nice for the teachers. In person we continue with our residential and karma yoga programs, welcoming some new faces soon. Satsang was nice with a steady group. May Masters’ Blessings and Gurus Grace be with us all. Pranams from the NY mountains. Om.
Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm, Grass Valley, California, USA
Om Namah Sivaya. Warm greetings to you from the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm. We are grateful for your love and support as the Yoga Farm continues to thrive in this challenging time. We are adapting along with you to keep Satsang with each other and to share the teachings in new and creative ways. The Grass Valley Ashram remains closed. We will keep you updated as events unfold as we consider the health of our guests and staff and the pandemic situation. Please visit to easily join Online workshops, classes and courses. Your generous support to Swamiji’s mission will keep the Yoga Farm strong and vital during the pandemic. Please donate here:
By the Grace of Master and Swamiji, the Online TTC January concluded as a great success. It was beautiful to see the TTC students grow through their month of Sadhana and their own sincere self-effort from their home Sadhana space. The final week of TTC included Yoga of Recovery introduction from Durga Leela, tratak practice, teaching groups, talks on ethics of the Yoga teacher, Puja workshop and what to do after the course. Swami Sitaramananda gave a wonderful Q&A Satsang with many thoughtful questions from the TTC. The graduation ceremony was beautiful. Swamiji and the swamis offered very inspiring words to the students, as well as the teachers and the mentors gave encouragement to the students. The students offered heartfelt testimonials of their experiences and thanks to the teachers and mentors. Swami Adi Parashaktiananda departed the Ashram for a 2 month stay in the Dalat, Vietnam Ashram. Bharati taught the 5-day Beginner course during the week, with a group of students new to Sivananda Yoga. They were very appreciative to receive this teaching and able to establish their new Yoga practice. The Ashram staff and karma yogis remain healthy. Early spring cleaning began along with trimming lavender and garden preparation. The sunny and warm weather saw some of the staff takiing an outing to the beautiful Yuba river for pranayama and meditation. Swami Sitaramananda zoomed in from Vietnam to share a Satsang talk on “Concentration”, explaining the power of concentration and effects on the mind. We welcomed Dr. Fred Luskin to speak on “Resilience”, offering practical understanding and simple breathing/meditation techniques to calm the “fight or flight” response. The Ashram became extra beautiful with some rain. Projects included tree trimming, getting the garden ready for spring and painting the women’s dorm.
Jumping to mid February, Swami Dharmananda taught the 5-day Bhagavad Gita Study Course on chapter 6, the Yoga of Meditation, offering practical guidance on the Raja Yoga meditation practice, Why Meditate, Yamas and Niyamas and 8 Limbs of Raja Yoga. This regular group of students were very appreciative and engaged in the sessions. Swami Jnaneswariananda led the weekend Upanishads course on Mandukya Upanishad. Swamiji shared the Vedanta teachings to unlock the knowledge of OM and its significance in our Sadhana. Hamsa Chaitanya also taught the Positive Thinking Refresher Course, to review with students their New Year Resolutions and how they are doing with their positive thinking practice. Swami Vasishtananda maintained the Ashram’s high energy, taking care of the temples and shrines daily. We were grateful for Swamiji’s tireless dedication. The daffodils were springing to life around the green Ashram with many birds and wildlife returning for springtime. We are grateful for this opportunity to serve. May all feel Master and Swamiji’s blessings. Om.
Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat, Nassau, Bahamas
Om Namo Narayanaya, Blessed Selves. There is still a small group of us on property who are maintaining the Ashram way of life through daily Satsangs, yoga and teachings.
February 2021 in the Bahamas: Most of our attention was dedicated toward our first online TTC, which began on February 24th. It was very exciting to see the class take shape, and a blessing to tune into the energy of the lineage as we prepare for the TTC. Around the Ashram, we happily welcomed back Gauri Devi, who was away for a couple of weeks. May all be well and may this be an opportunity to turn inward to that which is eternal and ever-free. Om Shanti. Om.
Please visit our Online Program page for the latest schedule. We look forward to continuing to add Online programs, courses and guest speakers to our calendar.
Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat House, Reith or Mittersill, Tyrol, Austria
Om Namah Sivaya. The Seminar House is closed to the public. We continue to teach classes, webinars and Satsangs online. We offer live Online Yoga Classes, Workshops, Talks, Teacher Trainings and group Meditations. Receive all the latest information via our newsletter.
Life online. During February the online TTC progressed well. The students enjoyed the cooking class, Puja and online sitar concert with Klaus Fallschlunger, a musician from Tirol. The online classes, webinars, morning and evening Satsangs continued. Two new courses started, on anatomy and on the Siva Purana. In addition, the first of a series of further trainings for yoga teachers began with a course, Yoga after 50. From India, Dr. Kamlesh continued his Ayurveda course as well as Vaidya Sreelal Sankar and Vaidya Poornima Sreelal with the educational course ‘Ayurveda, the Science of Life’. The priest Yagneshwara Dixit led us in a mantra workshop of the Ganesha Suktam and Puja for lord Krishna.
Mid month saw the final week of TTC. All the students passed and we celebrated with a beautiful graduation ceremony. The online classes, webinars, morning and evening Satsangs continued. We started a new hatha yoga inspirations course, as well as courses on the Bhagavad Gita and Deep Relaxation. From India, Dr. Kamlesh continued his Ayurveda course. The priest Yagneshwara Dixit led us in a mantra workshop and Puja. We pray that all remain healthy and safe. OM.
Sivananda Ashram Chateau du Yoga, Orleans, France
Om Namah Sivaya. Please accept this invitation to join us for the Unite for a Healthy Planet worldwide meditation – Every 1st Sunday of the month at 2PM Continental European Time, for 30 minutes. OM.
In February we spent a week with only staff and employees at the Ashram after the departure of the January TTC group. Everyday after the kitchen shift, the staff joined to either chant mantras or speak openly about their experience and suggestions for the Ashram. One weather highlight was the Ashram was generously snowed under. Many pictures were taken. A batch of guests arrived for a one week retreat. Two programs started, titled “Boost Your Energy and Vitality through Yoga” and “Finding Purpose in Life”. OM.
Sivananda Ashram Dà Lat, Vietnam
Om Namah Sivaya from Da Lat Ashram. The Da Lat Ashram is open.
In the run-up days towards the annual Tet holiday the Ashram was quiet as usual, as most people were busy at home preparing for the holiday. We took advantage of the quiet time to increase internal training for staff, who attended sessions on teaching beginner courses and teaching bilingual open classes. Part of the tradition of Lunar New year is cleaning the home, we followed that tradition here by deep cleaning in all areas of the Ashram, and by spending one afternoon cleaning up the forest area where a lot of rubbish had collected during the recent construction projects. On subsequent afternoons we continued with the group karma yoga practice to clean up many different areas of the grounds. The Ashram and surrounding countryside was specially beautiful as the display of cherry blossom was very strong this year. Many staff left to visit family for Tet, a small crew of staff remained to look after the group of guests who arrived for Tet.
For mid month our focus was on preparation for the TTC course. 56 students joined the course, almost all from Vietnam. We have two international students, one from Australia and one from Holland, both resident in Vietnam. We welcomed Swami Adiparashaktiananda, who flew to Vietnam from California 2 weeks ago, and was released from a 14 day period of quarantine in Ho Chi Minh City. We also welcomed Swami Pranavananda and Ganga Chaitanya from the Ho Chi Minh Centre. Because of a recent outbreak of Covid 19 in Vietnam, extra precautions were taken for the TTC course. All students underwent a temperature check when arriving for Satsang each morning, and masks are worn by students and teachers for all activities, except for some parts of the Hatha Yoga classes. Satsang was split into two groups, with a video and audio feed in the second location, to allow for proper social distancing. We also followed social distancing at mealtimes, using both levels of the dining hall, and introduced a rule of silence during meals. Students cooperated well. The course ran smoothly with Swami Sitaramananda teaching main lectures, Swami Narayanananda teaching Bhagavad Gita and chanting, Swami Adi Parashaktianananda leading the team of Hatha Yoga teachers. Swami Pranavavananda taught the Anatomy and Physiology portion. The course had a very auspicious day when all participants gathered on the mountainside early one morning to watch a beautiful sunrise. We were grateful for Guru’s grace in being able to offer the course at this challenging time.
Staff remain well, inspired and thankful for Guru’s grace. Om.
Sivananda Ashram Tapaswini, Gudur, Andra Pradesh India
Om Namah Sivaya. We are delighted to welcome you to Sivananda Tapaswini Ashram.
After a long and unprecedented break due to the pandemic, we are happy to announce the Ashram has re-opened. Our Ashram will following the MHA guidelines closely to ensure the safety and comfort of all. The continued practice of social distancing and limited class sizes are to meet these requirements. These guidelines will be posted in all our India Centres and Ashrams. Please familiarize yourself with these safety precautions: MOH Guidelines for Yoga Institutions. We look forward to having you at the Tapaswini Ashram.
We will also continue to offer classes, courses & programs online. Details regarding this can be found at Please like our Facebook page to stay notified about live open classes, Satsangs & other programs. Our thoughts are with you all and we pray that you keep well and positive during these challenging times. May Master and Swamiji bless us with true devotion and blessings be with us all! Pranams. Om.
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Spiritual Calendar
MARCH 2021
09 Ekadasi APRIL 2021 07 Ekadasi The Karma of the individual determines the form or shape of the experience in this World. – Sri Swami Sivananda |
SAKSHI – Witness
NIMITTA – Cause; Instrument
BHAV – Feeling; perception; direct experience; mental attitude; subjective state of being; attitude of mind; state of realization in the heart or mind; a right feeling and frame of mind; right intention; right imagination; right mental disposition; purity of thought. Bhava is a Sanskrit term; there is no proper equivalent in English. It means mental attitude or mental disposition. Bhava is internal feeling. There are three kinds of Bhavas, viz., Sattvic Bhava, Rajasic Bhava and Tamasic Bhava according to the nature of the quality that predominates in man. Sattvic Bhava is divine Bhava. It is Suddha Bhava. Just as thought or memory or will can be cultivated or developed by practice, so also, Bhava can be developed.
Sakshi Bhav – The attitude of remaining as a witness.
Nimitta Bhav – The attitude of performing as an instrument of God. A devotee that always thinks that God does everything and they are only an instrument (Nimitta), directed by the hands of God, then this is Nimitta Bhava. The Bhavas of a Bhakta and a Vedantin differ. The Vedantin entertains Sakshi and Akarta Bhavas. The Bhakta entertains Nimitta Bhava. The Vedantin develops Brahma Bhava. The Bhakta develops Dasya Bhava, and so on.
If anyone injures you, forgive and forget the injury done. You will gain immense spiritual strength. – Sri Swami Sivananda