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Sivananda World News: The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashrams

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Camp, Sivananda Headquarters, Val Morin, Quebec, Canada

Om Namah Sivaya, Greetings from the Headquarters. During October Autumn was well under way in the Ashram as the trees transformed in colour. Although the temperatures cooled down a bit, the crisp Autumn air comes as a nice change. The staff continued with projects around the grounds. The steps leading down to the Master’s Pond were finished, looking very nice. In addition more brick work continued around the Camp. After the big path project that was carried out over the spring and summer season, we still have different areas around the Camp that need renovating. Our housekeeping team kept up with many repairs and clean ups to prepare for the coming months. Our guests were offered different kinds of workshops that help them build on their practice and connect more with the staff. The intimate numbers of weekly guests created a unique experience and a more personal connection to the Camp. We held a Juice Fasting weekend program with Suzanne with 30 guests. There were also some workshops offered by staff and Swami Vairagyananda. It was a great weekend to detox and cleanse before the winter season. Many left the Ashram feeling re-energized.

Later in October we are started to see the falling of leaves. The beautiful fall colours were slowly falling to the ground and the cooler weather made its way in. The days were comfortable and sunny for outdoor jobs. The staff kept up nicely with their daily duties and projects as well as their Sadhana practice. There was a lot of cleaning up around the Camp from storage rooms to raking outdoors. Swami Vairagyananda continued her weekly Kirtan workshops with the staff as well. We offered multiple workshops for guests. We celebrated Diwali at out Montreal Centre with Satyabhama and the staff. There were over 300 people who attended, filling the Centre with so much positive and loving energy. Harisha came and led the Puja which was beautiful. After the ceremony we enjoyed a delicious Indian meal. We had the return of our very much missed Swami Shivabhaktananda from his 6 week tour of the Sivananda Centres and Ashrams in South America.  After a long, yet inspiring, journey he adjusted back to the Camp and his duties. Minakshi led the “Structure Your Sadhana” weekend program for our guests.  There were many guests who came to partake being very happy with the program.  Minakshi introduced them to the reasons for Sadhana and how to make it a daily practice. May the Grace of Master and Swamiji be with all. Om Shanti.

Sivananda Dhanwanthari Ashram, Neyyar Dam, Kerala, India

Namah Sivaya to all. During October the Ashram’s renovation and construction works continued, sometimes interrupted because of heavy rains. The new roof was finished over Vaikuntam building with plastering to follow. Prahlada ji visited the Ashram briefly. He was able to lead morning Satsang and inspect the Ashram. Omkari, Kalyani (Japan) and Kanako departed for new visas. Fortunately we had enough staff and work studies to cover the duties. Vinod and Durgadas returned after long breaks. Dina and Katarina joined for three months work study. Pranams to all the Sivananda Family.

Sivananda Ashram, Netala, Uttarkashi, Himalayas, North India

Om Namo Narayanaya – Greetings from Uttar Kashi. In October the Ashram’s first week of Sadhana Intensive passed by smoothly. Eighteen keen yogis were initiated into the program, including quite a few who have attended S. I. at least once before. The program began with Ganapathy Homa to remove any obstacles. Diwali was celebrated with a Lakshmi Puja and some fireworks. Sweets and gifts were given to the staff.  The Sadhana Intensive student group had good energy. With Master and Swamiji’s blessings they were steady with their three practices daily. With Diwali traditionally marking the beginning of winter, the weather is now distinctly more chilly. Pranams to all. All are well. Pranams to all. Om.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Meenakshi Ashram, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

Om Namo Narayanaya. The Ashram was hyperactive in October with the TTC preparations gaining momentum with the dorms getting new coat of paint, purchasing of boutique items for the high season and so on. 52 eager Yoga practitioners were initiated into the TTC course by their teachers. We also welcomed Swami Hariomananda who shall be with us for the coming months to lead Yoga Vacation classes during TTC. The vacationers also enjoyed their sojourn and their daily schedule. Some of them were willing to lend a helping hand to the TTC course preparations as well. Praying to our Masters for their blessings and guiding light to all. With Prem and Om from all Ashramites. Om.

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch Colony, Woodburne, NY, USA

Greetings from the Yoga Ranch where the Fall weather continued to be beautiful and colourful. During October we had a Positive Thinking course, led by Siddhi. Workers began re-shingling the Vishnu-building roof. Swami Paramananda left for a visit to Chicago. Srinivasan and Saraswati returned from California. We welcomed Anjaneya, who came to teach the Chair Yoga Training. Eight students and four staff joined his program. All were very inspired and happy. Srinivasan led a Meditation workshop. Joining the Karma Yoga program was Seville. We wished departing staff Jagannatha, Gangadhara, Tara, and Terry well with many thanks for their service, Sadhana, and presence.

Later in October we enjoyed unseasonably warm temperatures with more and more brilliant Fall colours appearing every day. We had a Meditation course, led by Mahadevi. Swami Satyapremananda returned from a visit to Iowa. We offered the popular Yoga & Hiking Weekend, with a large group venturing for a hike around nearby Lake Minnewaska, in addition to long walks through the forest in and around the Ashram. Sankara Namboodiriji led us in a beautiful Puja in celebration of Diwali. Swami Paramananda traveled to New York Centre to teach the Advanced Class and lead Satsang before leaving on a trip to Israel and then on to Neyyar Dam to teach the November TTC. We said goodbye to departing staff Brahmaswaroop, Devani and Roger, who finished their commitments and returned home; as well as to Siddhi and Vishnu, who traveled to Chicago Centre to serve for a few weeks. We were grateful for their service, practice, and presence here. Staff at the Ranch are well, feeling grateful for the grace of the Gurus, and sending pranams to all. Om.

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm, Grass Valley, California, USA

Om Namah Sivaya. In October the Ashram was blessed to welcome back Swami Sitaramananda-ji after 3 months away from the Ashram, teaching TTCs in Vietnam and China; and Sw Adiparashakti also returned with Swamiji from the China TTC. A new group of 30 TTC students arrived to the Yoga Farm. They were initiated with a Guru Puja, led by Swami Vasishtananda-ji, with inspiring words from Swami Sitaramananda, Swami Jnaneswariananda, and Swami Vasishtananda about the Guru Kula system and Sankaracharya lineage. Initiation continued with beautiful Ganapathi Puja and Homa on the Krishna temple deck, with all staff and students chanting mantras and making offerings and setting intention for a successful TTC. This TTC was a mature group with students from US, Australia, Spain, Colombia, Canada, and South Africa. Swami Sitaramananda taught the Meditation portion of the course; Swami Jnaneswariananda, main lecture Philosophy and Anatomy and Physiology; Swami Vasishtananda, Bhagavad Gita; Swami Sivasankari, Chanting; and Swami Adiparashaktiananda and his team on  Hatha Yoga; Swami Dharmananda, Positive Thinking.

Later in October we were happy to inaugurate the 800-hour Sivananda Yoga Health Educator Training, taught by Swami Sitaramananda and many guest faculty teachers. We had 13 students as part of the first batch embarking on this 2-year training in the application of Yoga and Ayurveda techniques to empower individuals in their own self-healing from physical, psychological and spiritual ailments. We were grateful for the work and teaching of Dr. Suprabha Jain, a physician dedicated to holistic health and Yoga, giving talks on the history of Western Medicine and Holistic Health. Swami Dharmananda taught the Asana practical classes. The TTC group was doing well, settling into the Ashram discipline and inspired to receive the Yoga teachings. The Ashram was blessed to have several special guests: Steven Longfellow Fiske presented an inspired peace concert and talk; Hasu Patel-ji gave a wonderful sitar concert and separate Satsang on Indian classical music; Ambika introduced Ayurveda and the doshas to the TTC students. Arjuna taught the 4-day Stress Management course, introducing the 5 Points of Yoga for stress reduction, taking the group on walks to the temples, and sharing stories about the life of Swami Vishnudevananda. Om Namah Sivaya to all Blessed Selves, from the Yoga Farm.

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat, Nassau, Bahamas

Om Namo Narayanaya, Blessed Selves. In October the Ashram welcomed Dale Buegel, known for teaching skilful mastery of yoga postures, breathing techniques and meditation since many decades, on Wednesday. His program “Prana Focus During Hatha Yoga Practice” was well received by the Ashram guests and Karma Yogis during Satsangs and workshops. The Kirtan program with the Mayapuris began. The band, consisting of five talented musicians, inspired us all with their devotional music. Virginia Schwartz (Saraswati), a Sivananda Yoga teacher and award-winning author, offered her program “Infuse Your Writing With Yoga”. She explained how yoga can be a powerful tool of a writer and guide free writing sessions. Other Satsang topics included “20 Spiritual Instructions” with Parvati Chaitanya, “Lives of Saints” presented by Minakshi Chaitanya, and “Foundations of Meditation” with Krishna Chaitanya. Iswara Chaitanya taught a 5-day Essentials of Yoga I Course for newly arrived Karma Yogis. Parvati Chaitanya started a 3-day Essentials of Meditation Weekend Course.

Later in October we watched an inspiring video of a previous Question and Answer Session with Swami Swaroopananda. Antonio Sausys, who is a somatic psychotherapist and yoga teacher, started his program “Manifesting Potential”. We welcomed Steven Weiss, a holistic chiropractor and nutritionist, yoga therapist, and yoga teacher. In his program “Principles of Asana Alignment”, the participants learned subtle yet essential alignment principles that keep the Asana practice safe, while adhering to yogic philosophy. Other Satsang topics included “The Mind, Its Mysteries and Control” with Minakshi Chaitanya, “Happiness” presented by Parvati Chaitanya and “Establishing a Daily Practice” with Iswara Chaitanya. Iswara Chaitanya taught a 5-day Essentials of Meditation Course, and Parvati Chaitanya a 3-day Positive Thinking Weekend Course. Om.

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat House, Reith/Kitzbühel Tyrol, Austria

Om Namah Sivaya. In October the Ashram guests enjoyed a truly golden autumn and a longer hike in the scenic mountains. Their program included more challenging yoga classes with lots of variations in which everybody made nice progress. Otherwise our focus was on preparing the garden for the winter, deep cleaning the Yoga House Ganga and continued work on the 2018 brochure. Registrations for Ashram Christmas special programs are coming in steadily. OM.

Sivananda Ashram Chateau du Yoga, Orleans, France

Om Namah Sivaya. In October the Ashram had a beautiful programme about Spiritual Stories from the Yoga Scriptures which included talks about the Ramayana, the Devi Bhagavatam, Krishna’s Lila and incarnations of Vishnu. The levels of yogic scriptures from the sruti to smriti and the vedas and puranas were explained and guests and the staff in attendance really appreciated it. The London Winter Retreat and the programme “What can I do for the World? – The Yogic Way Towards World Peace and Inner Happiness” were moving along as a great success with guests content and a vibrant energy in the Ashram. We had silent walks in the dewy mushroom filled forest under a thin orange moon and a star filled sky. Afternoon lectures and the afternoon classes were on the asana platform thanks to the very nice sunny weather. The guests enjoyed the lectures, the sun and the breeze and looked like they were getting the exact experience one would hope for on a yoga retreat!

The Hanuman Kutir is now a large hole and the size of the building is making itself known as a large crane is on site. On a morning a Puja was held for the construction of the building. An excavation including setting a dry surface for the priest Anil to sit on was prepared for the ceremony. Seven staff attended the Puja which consisted of abeshakam, offering flowers and rice and the chant of mantras. At the end of the Puja precious stones and coins from the Hanuman Building donation fund were placed in a copper vessel and put into the ground before the everything was covered with a fresh dhoti and then concrete, ready to have the foundation placed on top. Just as the Arati started so did a light misting of refreshing rain and the priest said that any event where there is such a gentle rain is considered a happy, auspicious and successful one. The same day we celebrated Diwali with a lovely Puja and all the deities being surrounded with small candles, radiating light and peace. OM.

Sivananda Ashram Dà Lat, Vietnam

In October the Ashram was busy as we prepared to welcome guests for an Ayurveda retreat. One of our buildings was converted into an Ayurveda Centre. A local carpenter created tables for abhyanga treatments, made from local mango wood. Rooms were renovated and repainted. Five of our staff members returned from a one month residential training in Ayurveda treatment techniques at Vaidyagrama in Coimbatore, India. All came back shining and trim after a month of Ayurvedic diet and daily practice. They were keen to continue practicing their new skills. Staff were busy with all the final preparations to receive our first Ayurveda guests. At the same time our regular Yoga Vacation program continued. Rainy season started to draw to a close so we were enjoying more dry days. We were pleased to welcome back Swami Narayanananda, returning to Dalat after helping with the TTC in China. We also welcomed new staff, RadhaKrishna Das from the Yoga Farm in California, and Karuna, a new TTC graduate from the recent China TTC course.

Later in October we were happy to host our first Ayurveda Detoxification and Rejuvenation Retreat, with special guest Dr. Ramdas from the Vaidyagrama Ayurveda village in Coimbatore, India. Our staff who are newly trained as Ayurveda therapists were busy practicing their skills and preparing the treatment spaces for our guests. Dr Ramdas and guests arrived to begin a full program of treatments. All Ashram staff enjoyed the benefits of following an Ayurvedic diet for the week as our kitchen made adjustments to the menu. Guests received daily Ayurveda treatments in our newly prepared treatment rooms. Dr Ramdas gave talks daily which were much appreciated. We were happy to welcome Swami Pranavananda who joined the retreat for the week, as did our staff Ambika from the Chengdu Centre in China. The experience of seeing the integrated practice of Yoga and Ayurveda brought great inspiration and joy to us all here. As guests left us we had two days of preparation for the next course to begin. Dr Ramdas traveled to Ho Chi Minh City to offer teaching there. At the same time as all this focused Ayurveda activity our Yoga Vacation program continued with a steady flow of guests. Om.

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Spiritual Calendar


04        Full Moon
09        Swamijis Mahasamadhi
11        Swamijis Jalasamadhi
14        Ekadasi
18        New Moon
30        Ekadasi


03        Full Moon
13        Ekadasi
18        New Moon
25        Christmas
29        Ekadasi
31        Swamiji’s Birthday


ADHIDAIVA: Pertaining to the divine God who controls all beings and gives them what is their due; fate; destiny; controlling power.

Adhidaiva-vidya: Science of the heavens.

SATCHIDANANDA: Existence, knowledge, and bliss absolute.

Sat means Existence or Truth. Chid is the expression, knowledge, of it. Ananda is the Bliss you get out of it. So Truth, Knowledge, Bliss is what we mean by the word Satchidananda. In a way, the meaning could be compared to the Holy Trinity.

You are in essence the spiritual Being. You are made up of the same substance of Satchidananda of which Brahman is made. – Sri Swami Sivananda
