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Hatha Yoga

MAYURASANA – Peacock – Intermediate Level

While in this pose the body resembles a peacock with its feathers spread out behind. Mayurasana is a balancing posture. Start in a kneeling position, then move your knees apart. Place your arms between your legs, bringing your elbows in close together and into your abdomen. Next, lay your hands flat on the floor, with your wrists together and your fingers pointing back toward your feet. Starting Pose: sit on your heels with your knees wide apart.

Keep your hands directly under your abdomen. Lean forward, lifting your hips. Put your forehead on the ground. Keep the abdomen contracted and pressed tightly against the elbows. Elbows remain close together. Feet together. Breathe. Next, stretch one leg and then the other straight out behind you. Tuck the toes under. Your weight should now be resting on your hands, toes and forehead. Touching the Ground: at this point you are resting your weight on your hands, toes, and forehead. Stay here for beginner level …or go a step further…
Raise your head, and consciously shift your weight forward to find a balance point. Lift your toes. If you perform the movements slowly, you will raise your legs without effort. Hold for 10 seconds. With practice, you will be able to hold the pose for up 30 seconds. Parallel Body: In the final position, your body is held straight and parallel to the floor.

To come out of the posture, lower the feet then knees and sit up. Shake the wrists. Relax after in child’s pose.


• Activates prana to circulate from the solar plexus throughout the whole body
• Strengthens the muscles of the legs, arms, back, abdomen, shoulders and neck
• Tones the lungs
• Tones the abdominal organs
• Helps overcome constipation
• Gives whole body a powerful tonic
• Overcome sluggishness as well as hyperactivity

The lamp of faith must be steadily fed by contact with sages and vigilantly trimmed by meditation. – Swami Sivananda

Swami Vishnudevananda Instructions on Meditation:

Now just for a few minutes, dive deep into that silence. Hear the silence, see the silence, taste, smell and touch the silence. The last moment of your Life, you’ll hear that beautiful silence, that melody of your soul, the sound of your own soul, the music of your soul. That Godhead, that Peace will come to you. You will leave your body with full awareness and Peace and Shanti. Now dive deep. Hear the eternal sound of Om in silence, and we’ll keep silence just for a few minutes, just a few minutes… – Swami Vishnudevananda

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Spiritual Calendar


01 – New Moon
11 – Ekadasi
14 – Makara Sankranti
16 – Full Moon
27 – Ekadasi
30 – New Moon


10 Ekadasi
14 Full Moon
25 Ekadasi
27 Sivarathri


OM: This sacred syllable, sometimes written AUM, is the original mantra. The Sanskrit letter represents the journey of the human spirit towards eternal peace.

ATMAN: The individual spirit or Self.

CHITTA: The subtle energy that is the substance of the mind.

VRITTI: Thought-wave; mental modification; mental whirlpool; a ripple in the chitta.

Regular meditation makes the mind less powerful. – Swami Sivananda
