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Sivananda World News: The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Zentrum, Berlin, Germany

There were various well attended workshops this month: kirtan worshop, headstand workshop. We also had the last open house of the year which was busy and inspiring. More advanced yoga courses also started. This month, we also gave an Ayurveda lecture followed by a cooking workshop.

During the month, we celebrated Swami Vishnudevananda’s Mahasamadhi and Jala Samadhi. For the Divali puja, we welcomed.The halls was decorated with lots of light chains, it looked enlightening, many students brought flowers for the Altar and it was a joyful positive atmosphere.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America

Om Namah Sivaya. You can contact us for any questions about practicing yoga at home through e-mail: [email protected] Call: 11 4804 7813.
For any queries, contact us. If changes or news arise, we will inform you. We salute you with a fervent desire for peace and health for all. We hope you are all well. May Masters blessings always guide us. Pranams. Om.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

During the month, we celebrated various festivals including Kartigai Deepam. Swami Vishnudevananda’s mahasamadhi was celebrated grandly. Online courses are going strongly.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta DÀ LAT Centre, Dà Lat, Vietnam

Ayurveda for Beginners and Yoga for Beginners course were completed successfully. The students were happy. A new Yoga Beginner Course, Restorative Yoga Course, Self Massage Workshop, Non Violent Communication Online Course also started.

We hosted an outstanding online programme Special Meditation on 11th November, with nearly 100 people join with donation as gift for Swami Sitaramananda’s birthday. The Divali celebrations were full of light, joy and bliss.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta DWARKA Centre, Delhi, India

We started various beginners courses this month. Swami Vishnudevananda’s maha samadhi was celebrated with a homa and puja, followed by dinner. Centre was fully decorated for the celebrations of Divali.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta NATARAJA Centre, Delhi, India

This month, we had a special Maha Mrityunjaya Homa. The Homa was well-attended by students, centre teachers, and their families. The Homa focused on peace, in light of the many conflicts being experienced around the world at the moment.
This month’s headstand workshop was very well attended on the weekend. We have begun much anticipated renovations to the kitchen and staff dining area.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Geneva, Switzerland

We had a nice Open Day this month, followed by a great Divali celebration. For Divali, students and teachers participated with kirtans and stories from the Ramayana.

The month saw the beginning of a yoga 1 course with very inspired students and a cooking workshop. The centre also organised a family workshop with Christmas cookies which bring already a nice festive mood in the center.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Hanoi, Vietnam

Greetings from Hanoi. Our weekly international satsang with Swami Sitaramananda continued. We celebrated Swami Sitaramananda’s birthday with a puja and it was the occasion for many karma yogis to come together at the centre. There was a beautiful satsang celebration for Divali.

We started a new online class. Restorative classes for teachers and yoga classes for kids continued well during the month. We hosted a workshop of 108 rounds of Sun Salutations and a workshop of Kokedama, the Japanese art of growing plants. A beautiful energy and connection emerged in these workshops. Finally, preparations for Christmas started with redecoration of the centre.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

We started a new Yoga Kids course, an Introduction to Meditation course and various basic yoga courses this month. The Open House went smoothly. We hosted a special workshop “Ayurveda for better sleep” with an insightful and practical lecture. Later in the month, there was a another special workshop “Yoga for bone and joint health”.
Divali was celebrated with a puja during satsang. The meaning of the festival of lights and puja was elaborated upon.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, London, England

During the month, we welcomed a group of students for a residential retreat “Stress relief and relaxation through yoga” at the centre. The participants were very grateful for the weekend spent in the serene surroundings of the centre.
We were blessed with a luminous Divali celebration. The Lakshmi puja created a beautiful energy, a comforting reminder of the inner Light of the Self reached the hearts of all attendants.
The London Centre has weekly been offering full day Saturday programmes over the last months. These days serve as a mini-yoga retreat with two yoga classes, vegetarian lunch, themed workshop on a variety of yoga topics, and satsang. We are happy to see that people living further away from London are finding their way to the centre on Saturdays to benefit from the yoga teachings. Programmes included ‘Pranayama, revitalise your life energy’, “Vegetarian cooking workshop”.
A big project this month was the renovation of the kitchen, the redecoration of two small bathrooms as well as the asana halls in the centre and the donation campaign “Adapt, adjust, renovate!” saw a well attended 108 Sun Salutations challenge.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Los Angeles, CA, USA

The month started with a wonderful weekend retreat—Joy of Ayurveda. Workshops included Best Ayurvedic Practices for the Fall Season and nourishing Abhyanga and Shirodhara treatments. Another weekend Retreat was done “Be The Light” with great success. The Holistic Health Weekend Retreat: Positive Thinking for Optimal Health brought a very cohesive group of students, who shared openly and were eager to learn
We offered a puja in honor of Swami Vishnu’s Jalasamadhi and watched the new In the Name of Peace video.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Madrid, Spain

Classes and courses continued with good attendance. We had inspiring weekend workshops: Deepen your asana experience, Mantra chanting and Yoga for the back. The centre also organised an Open Day which was well attended by new students. Yoga 1 courses started. Spanish students also joined the online Teachers’ Training Course.

We organised a very successful yoga retreat with 23 students. The Center was represented in the Yoga and meditation festival in Ávila, where we gave three classes over the weekend.
In the Center we received Marilyn Rossner for a beautiful satsang, with many supporting teachers contributed to the successful occasion.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Madurai, India

Om Namah Sivaya to all. We thank our Masters for all blessings and support bestowed. May all be blessed with equanimity and steadiness in practice. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi. Om.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Montevideo, Uruguay

Om Namah Sivaya from the Montevideo Centre. We are happy to serve, love to all. We pray intensely for peace and harmony in this world. May the Grace of Gurudev and Swamiji be upon us all. Om Shanti. Om.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Munich, Germany

Staff and students returned recharged and inspired from the All-Saint Retreat in the Sivananda Yoga Retreat House in Reith/Tyrol/Austria. Students of the EU-Business School came for their weekly Sunday.

The Indian General Consulate invited us to a celebration of an Ayurveda day on 10 November. We gave a talk about our teaching activities in the field of proper nutrition and Ayurveda. We were also invited by the technical university to teach an online yoga class to their students during their stress-prevention week.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, New York, USA

Om Namah Sivaya from the New York Centre. May the Grace of Gurudev and Swamiji be upon us all. Om Shanti. Om.

Centre de Yoga Sivananda Vedanta, Paris, France

During the month, we had various pujas. We celebrated Swami Vishnudevananda’s Mahasamadhi and Divali. We had good attendance for weekend satsangs. The weekend Yoga 1 course was also a great success.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Tel Aviv, Israel

Online programmes continue — lectures were delivered, yoga classes for the general public were held, and the participant list grew. We also had another Zoom meeting for teachers focusing on teaching relaxation techniques and the physiology of relaxation, both for the teachers’ personal practice and as a tool to be passed on to the students. A couse Yoga for Children started for both students at the centre and online.
We celebrated the Mahasamadhi and Jala Samadhi of Swami Vishnudevananda at the Mata ashram. The events were particularly moving in light of the stories of Swami Vishnudevananda’s life and the significance of peace missions, which are so relevant to us today.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Tokyo, Japan

The Tokyo center reopened on the 4th November and we had a very nice three day-programme. The center was full to capacity. Many Karma yogi came and helped with joy, and the Tokyo center was full of positive energy.
We celebrated Divali with very enthusiastic students. The first Open House was organised and students enjoyed spending a day at the centre. Various discounts were on offer. Various courses started : Trial classes and Beginner courses, ayurveda course and meditation course.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

We had various Ayurveda workshops which were well attended. We started another gentle yoga course and a yoga 2 course this month.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala, India

We started beginner courses this month. Satsangs were well attended. All the open classes are going well along with kids classes. Staff enjoyed the celebration of Divali.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Vienna, Austria

The center’s All Saints Retreat in the Sivananda Yoga Retreat House Tyrol, Austria was well appreciated by students and teachers. Weekend workshops included an Asana-Workshop on variations for the lower back which attracted inspired students. Our Bhagavad Gita study group continued. We started Yoga 1 courses, Yoga 2 courses, a meditation course and a Raja Yoga course 2. This month, we also organised an Open House attended by a good number of enthusiastic new students. They were impressed by asana demonstration and their trial class experience and all booked a beginners course.
The highlights remained the pujas. Staff celebrated Swami Vishnudevananda’s Mahasamadhi with a puja and few days later, we organised a public puja for Swami Vishnudevananda’s Jalasamadhi. The energy was full of love and strength. We also celebrated Divali with many students and teachers. The altar was beautifully decorated with flowers and an abundance of lights for Divali.
The centre contributed to the online teachings in the TTC online, the Ayurveda online course and the Fire of Yoga online Asana workshop. Preparations also began for the Centre’s Christmas reception for students and teachers taking place in the beginning of December.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Vilnuis, Lithuania

Various beginners’ courses started: Yoga 1, 2 and 4. Saturday workshops were well attended. Themes included The Creative Power of the Mind, and Introduction to Meditation.

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Spiritual Calendar

8 Ekadasi
13 New Moon
22 Ekadasi
27 Full Moon
25 Christmas
31 Swamiji’s Birthday

1 New Year’s Day
7 Ekadasi
11 New Moon
20 Ekadasi
26 Full moon

Wish good to all beings. This will enrich your life and make you happy and peaceful. – Sri Swami Sivananda


Āryāvata – India, the land of the Aryans
Asamprajñāta samādhi – Superconscious state where the mind is totally annihilated
Āsana – Pose
Aśānti – Restlessness
Aśrām – A hermitage
Aṣṭākṣara mantra – The eight-lettered mantra of Lord Nārāyaṇa – ॐ नमो नारायणाय – Oṃ Namo Nārāyaṇāya
Aṣṭākṣari Same as above
Aṣṭāṅga Yoga – The eight-limbed Rāja Yoga of Maharṣi Patañjali
Āśrama-bheda -Distinction between the different orders of life
Āśrama – Order of life
